Now let's see if I can get through this post. As I mentioned yesterday there has been a lot I've been feeling called to write but I've really been struggling with how much to share. The writing is the easy part...
Hello my dear friends! I've been wanting to write but wasn't up to it in the hospital and then I've kind of been trying to figure out how I wanted to go about writing about everything that's been going on. I've...
I have never felt more lazy in my entire life than I have this week! Since I've gotten back from the hospital I've done absolutely nothing! For the last couple of days Daddy Russ has been treating me like a que...
Being covered in prayer is miraculous and that is exactly what EACH and every one of you have done for me. You covered me in prayer. You lifted me up into God's arms. You accepted my fear and then washed it awa...
When there is something weighing on my heart and mind I write about it. But for the past couple of weeks I have been so paralyzed with fear that I've barely been able to talk about it, much less write about it....