I love weddings! I mean...I really LOVE weddings! They are always full of love, celebratory fun, smiling faces, joyful music and more. This past weekend Daddy Russ and I along with a group of our San Antonio f...
My "big sister" Angie and her son, Cameron, came in town this weekend. It was such a FUN weekend! I always love spending time with Angie and wish I got to see her more. Angie has been a part of my life since I ...
I pretty much needed to be rolled out of this place! Enjoy the mouth-watering photos from Eleven City Diner in Chicago. The food was entirely too good and the Bloody Mary is literally the BEST one you will ever...
One of the great things about Lollapalooza is you can pretty much wear anything you want. Attendees of all ages experiment with fashion resulting in some pretty interesting combinations and styles. On Day 2 of ...
As I mentioned in my post on Lollapalooza (click here to read it), I was really intrigued by the fashion. Many people were dressed like the casual hippie and quite a few were just plain weird. For Day 1, I went...
We are back! Literally, one of the best weekends ever! We had so much fun in Chicago I wish we could go back and do it all again! We did so many exciting things but I thought we'd get it started with the most e...