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The Artist

Talk about fun! I stripped Luke down to his diaper, laid out some plastic table cloths and a poster board, gave him some non-toxic paint and let him go to town! He absolutely loved it! He smacked the paint, ...
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Texas Bluebonnet Pictures

Every South Texas mommy knows that you must take your baby out to get their bluebonnet pictures! It means Easter is right around the corner and you've pretty much got only a couple more days before the REAL he...
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Luke’s First Hair Cut

I have been refusing to get Luke's hair cut for awhile now. For some reason it just makes him seem like he's no longer my little baby anymore. Finally yesterday morning I realized my son officially had a mullet...
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Article: Who Are You Calling a Mama’s Boy?

I recently had the priviledge of meeting Monika Maeckle, a local journalist who is beginning a new online publication called The Rivard Report with her husband, Robert Rivard, former editor for the San Antonio ...
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Baby Luke: 9-Month Update

A gigantic whirlwind full of L's: love, laughter and loudness - that is our life with Luke! He's fully mobile and if he's awake he's moving. Crawling down the hall, chasing (and yelling) at the dog, banging car...