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Leopard Flats.

Great news! Luke's Big Boo Boo is doing so much better! It's healing before our eyes - thank you Lord! His spirit just amazes me. He's become so loving and will just reach up his little arms for hugs and if you...
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cool combos.

Look at this cool cat! Luke is now 16-months-old and is full of so much energy that I wish I could bottle it for myself! We have so much fun and he constantly keeps me on my toes (particularly because I'm alway...

DIY Vintage Button Necklace

I've got a good one for ya'll today! I don't know if it's a Texas grandmother thing but pretty much every grandmother I know has like a bizzillion old buttons stashed away. I mean - what did they think they wer...
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I'm so grateful this evening as I sit here typing my post. A little over a year ago right after having Luke, I took a big plunge and decided to open my own PR, marketing and event company. I also decided to sta...