I shared this post on my social media page but wanted to drop it into a blog post for those that may prefer to follow me here.
First and I’ll say it again – do not panic. Do not hoard. Our supply chains are just fine if we all don’t go crazy buying up 3 months of supplies.
Second – Please stop posting that this is all caused by the media. Educate yourself. Did the media blow China out of proportion? Did the media exaggerate Italy? Do you think the media WANTS this to happen? They are people too with families they are worried about and are trying to keep our public as educated as possible. It’s what we DO with the education that’s the problem.
Third – Help us FLATTEN THE CURVE!! All of these closures, etc can help us achieve something that countries like Italy did not. We have the opportunity to “Flatten the Curve” and SLOW the spread of infection. This will prevent us from overrunning our healthcare system. Italy right now is having to choose between whether to give a respirator to a 70 year old or a mother in her 30s with children b/c there aren’t enough to go around. And guess what people…. we are statistically following Italy’s infection rates (see graph below from a couple days ago). So… during this time of closures please PRACTICE SOCIAL DISTANCING. Now is not the time to host play dates, go to the movies, etc. We need to do this NOW. Not two weeks from now when it’s too late if rates continue.

Four – Support small business as best you can (ordering take out meals – they’ll even bring them to your car! Shop local online when possible – some are setting up Facebook shopping or virtual shopping, etc). The big chains will survive. Small business won’t.
Five – Check on the elderly that live near you to make sure they are ok and have what they need.
Six – if you think “it’s no big deal” and “you’ll survive coronavirus if you catch it” please remember that while you may survive you may give it to someone else who won’t.
Seven – Use this time to recharge. Read a good book. Walk in the park with your kids. Have a picnic in the backyard. So much of the good parts of life are not canceled.
Last but not least – hold tight to your faith. Cast your worries on our Savior. As Max Lucado said, “These challenges are great, but our God is greater.”
So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10

Much love to you all. Stay healthy.
It’s so important! Thanks for all the work you’re putting in!