Thank you so much for being a part of my life during this important time. Your prayers and notes have been incredible! My family is doing well and we are all preparing for Grandma’s funeral on Thursday. Today I’ve been going through so many awesome pictures of my great grandmother throughout the years for her slideshow. I just love looking at old pictures of my family. It’s so neat to see the family grow and all the changes throughout the years (not to mention all the fashion changes throughout each decade). For some reason my mom and aunts seriously thought my cousins, sister and I all looked fabulous in MATCHING bright outfits with fruit painted on them, matching Keds AND matching hair accessories! It really has brought a smile to my face.

It’s been such a crazy and emotional week full of highs and lows. I thought I would just share some pictures and videos with you from this week.

Video of Luke unloading dishwasher click here.

Video of Luke dancing to X Factor click here.

Video of Luke playing (and talking) in bath tub click here.

When your sad wear sparkle shoes to brighten up your day!

A little boy and his little dog.

Infinity scarves and hippie headbands – ’nuff said.

Luke helping himself at Party City.

My beautiful cousin, Brandi. A bunch of my cousins came in town to be with Grandma.

Two more lovelies – my cousin, Kristi, and sister, Meagan.

Luke and his PawPaw sitting at the hospital.

Just me in my blues.

Guess booties (sitting while waiting to get my hair done at the salon).

This is my sTORI being written as you read. – Love, Mommy Tori


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