shabby apple skirt

Shabby Apple

I first heard about Shabby Apple from a good friend of mine. She was wearing this stunning skirt and told me I had to visit their website. When I did I had a hard time not going crazy buying up their dresses an...
san antonio fashion blogger

Rose Print Midi Skirt

One of the best things about having stylish friends is getting to raid their closet! I have the sweetest friend named, Kristine. Our boys are the same age and we both love fashion so we immediately hit it off. ...
blue floral skirt

Shopping Saturday: Blue Floral Skirt

This week has been a whirlwind (but a good whirlwind). I always love this time of year because it means it's time for fall preview shows and events. If you follow me on Periscope you were able to watch a few of...
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The Midi Skirt

Elegant and feminine, the midi skirt has made a big play this summer. I was only too happy to jump on board this trend and have a midi skirt outfit post coming for you soon. In the meantime, I wanted to show yo...