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The Fort In My Living Room

If you've ever been to my house pre-Luke you'd know that I usually like things nice and clean and in their proper place. Post-Luke I've taken a new point-of-view regarding the messiness of my home. In fact, not...
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I Had A Bad Dream

I had a bad dream last night and it's one of those that are just sticking with me. Have you ever had such a bad dream that you are actually scared to speak about it out loud? Well, this was one of those. Daddy ...
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More Than I Ever Imagined

I can't believe that just a little over a year and a half ago my life was so completely different. Luke wasn't born yet and I just dreamed of one day owning a company. Now today I feel like I'm on the brink of ...
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my heart hurts.

There is nothing worse in the world than when your child hurts themselves. My heart hurts so much every time I look at my sweet Luke. He was running down the sidewalk this weekend and crashed face first. He now...