I’m so sorry sTORIbook readers that I’ve been off the grid for a bit. After my great grandmother passed I just haven’t felt like writing. It seemed so trivial to be writing about things like clothes, nail polish and fashion. But this morning I woke up and finally felt out of my funk and got all excited to write a post and then DING….my calendar reminder came up saying I had a cardiologist appointment today. So I rushed to get ready throwing clothes on Luke and myself and ran out the door.

I sort of avoiding going to the cardiologist. Many of you know I have a pacemaker and my heart likes to not cooperate at times. I’ve been noticing that my heart has been acting up a bit lately but just chalked it up to lack of sleep with a toddler, stress, etc. When I arrived at my cardiologist I was taken straight in to sit down with a pacemaker technician. I could tell something was off because he started asking me some questions that I knew weren’t normal and then said basically, “I’m going to go ahead and get the doctor to come talk with you.”

Pacemaker technologies are amazingly advanced. All I have to do is put this little monitor over the top of where my pacemaker is implanted and it’s connected to the computer (see first picture). It then downloads all the data that has been going on with my heart since the last time I was in the doctor’s office. Anyways…to make a long story short basically my heart is having some problems again. I immediately look at Luke sitting in his stroller and start thinking how there is no way I can handle another surgery right now so we better figure something out. So after talking it through with my rockin’ cardiologist we are going to try a new heart medication that can either at least get it under control or can postpone surgery. So you know what I’m doing right now….I’m giving my heart a PEP TALK!! “Heart. You are going to work just like God meant you to work. You are going to be healed and beat strong and correctly!”

Luke sat so patiently with me in the exam room. All the nurses kept stopping by the room to see him since they’ve known him since he was born and love to see him growing.

Cobalt jeans from Nordstrom, black boots from Nine West, scarf from Target.

I just know my pep talk will do good things and God is listening!

This is my sTORI being written as you read. – Love, Mommy Tori


16 Responses

  1. Michelle Cantu

    Aww, prayers straight to the big heart of yours Tori. And that the meds do the trick and keep you far away from any surgeries. Love the cobalt jeans they were part of my post today too.

    • tori@torijohnsonpr.com

      Thank you beautiful girl! Cobalt jeans are the bomb!

  2. veronica

    Praying!! Medical technology is amazing. Luke is so cute!

    • tori@torijohnsonpr.com

      SOOOO many exciting things….with YOU!!

  3. gmaj

    God bless you darlin’ ! His hand in on you! Our little Luke is SO precious! Call me!

    • tori@torijohnsonpr.com

      Love you Grandma Joyce! You are very special to me!

  4. Brittany

    I’m praying for your heart, Tori! Both physically, and emotionally after the loss of your sweet grandmother. Love you!

    • tori@torijohnsonpr.com

      Thank you my friend!! I hope you and Jamie have a very Happy Thanksgiving!

  5. Sue& Pete

    Pete & I sending you love across the miles. Have a wonderful holiday season, many blessings!

    • tori@torijohnsonpr.com

      Thank you, Sue!! Much love to you, Pete and the kids!

  6. jennifer

    I love how you added that you are wearing awesome colbalt pants in the end! Your such a positive powerful lady! Love you!! Your gonna be a-OK!!!


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