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$150.00 Off Surface Pro 3 for College Students

Back-to-School is right around the corner and I've got an awesome deal for college students! Microsoft is offering $150.00 off the Surface Pro 3 for college students between August 3 and September 6.. It’s t...
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FREE Microsoft Summer Camps For Kids

I've got loads of excitement from Microsoft for you today including FREE summer camps for kids and a special deal in honor of the opening of the new Microsoft store in North Star Mall here in San Antonio! Read ...
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The Microsoft Campus

If you've been following my sTORI recently then you know I was super lucky to be invited to visit Microsoft's corporate headquarters and campus in Redmond, WA (a suburb of Seattle). I could have never imagin...
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Street Style in Seattle

Over 540 blog posts and a little under 3 years ago, I began The sTORIbook. It started as a fulfillment of a dream that I had for many years. The beginning stages were me mostly just talking about the new advent...