Here is another trip I'm COMPLETELY late on getting on the blog and it was such a cool event! Prepare yourself for the death defying stunts of XGames in Austin, Texas! It was a majorly rad weekend filled with r...
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Washington D.C. In Pictures

A few weeks ago I had the pleasure of visiting Washington D.C. with Dr. Smith's Diaper Ointment!! I'm a bit backed up on posting photos from all my trips so prepare for me to pepper them throughout the next cou...
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Off To Washington D.C.!

I'm so excited to be flying to Washington D.C. today with Dr. Smith's Diaper Ointment! As a Dr. Smith's blogger ambassador, I am participating as a part of their event team for the Biggest Baby Shower Ever in D...
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Hope Spoken

Speak hope. How perfect is that? Hope is something that is usually internal. It's in our thoughts and in our prayers. What if there was an event where you actually speak...HOPE! Well, guess what?! There is and ...