Open the door for someone. Help carry groceries for a stranger. Take some baked goods to your neighbors. In other words, perform a SELFLESS ACT for someone, ANYONE.

I’d like to invite you to join me in honoring the 26 lives that were lost in the Newtown, CT tragedy by committing #26 Acts of Kindness. Ann Curry recently launched this online campaign that is taking off around the country. It immediately touched my heart and I knew I wanted my family and I to be a part of this GOODNESS going on in our country. In fact, Daddy Russ began our first Random Act of Kindness yesterday by helping a lady with a broken down car (LOVE HIM).

I’ve created a small printable that you may download, print and handout if you’d like (I did the best I could – I’m no designer). I plan to circle the name of the person that each act is committed in memory of and say a special prayer just for them. You may choose to pass along a print out to the person you gave the act of kindness to as well.

To download click here.

Random Acts of Kindness

To download click here.

Throughout each day I plan to post my list of Random Acts of Kindness here in hope that it might inspire you (or even give you an idea). This is definitely one of those times that THE MORE, THE MERRIER applies!

Please feel free to also comment below with your Random Acts of Kindness! God Bless and Merry Christmas from the Johnson Family!

random acts of kindness text

1. Helped a stranger with their broken down car

2. Wrote Christmas Cards for the Newtown, CT card drive (click here for more info)

3. Purchased breakfast for a construction worker

4. Made donation for playground to be built at Summit Christian Center

5. Purchased some groceries for a stranger

6. Did something special for someone special to our family

7. Gave some Christmas goodies to the pizza delivery guy

8. Brought homemade cookies and candy to friends

9. Made a donation to No Kid Hungry (for every $1 that you donate they can feed a child up to 10 meals!)

10. Purchased a book for a stranger at Barnes & Nobles. (nothing better than the gift of reading!)

11. Donated toys to a church nursery

12. Donated some old jewelry, home good, etc. to some one in need

13. Helped a family member with some job opportunities

14. Provided PR/marketing advice for a couple of friends

This is my sTORI being written as you read. – Love, Mommy Tori

One Response

  1. Feature in San Antonio Express-News (Be A Part of the #26Actsofkindness Movement!) - the sTORIbook

    […] Each day this week, I’m constantly glowing as I read all these wonderful Facebook and Twitter posts of different acts of kindness that people are doing and it just makes my heart smile. Throughout each day I’ve been trying to not only commit at least one act of kindness but I’m also trying to smile at as many people as possible, tell people Merry Christmas, drive a little nicer, hug Daddy Russ and Luke and tell them I love them a little bit more, and just try to be a better overall person. Even Luke seems to have join in. Yesterday while at the grocery store I swear he told atleast 50 people “HI!” with a little wave. Every day I’ve been praying that God will let me know where he needs my assistance the most. Each time I commit an act of kindness it makes me feel so incredibly good. If you’d like to see the different acts of kindness that I’ve committed so far just visit my first blog post by clicking here. […]


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