I love making Luke’s food and one of his favorite “noms” is applesauce! Not only is it delicious but it is super healthy! I prefer homemade so I can cut out all the extra sugar and preservatives.
- 10 Gala apples
- 1 tsp. ground cinammon
- 3/4 cup water
- Optional: 1 tbs. organic greek yogurt (for topping)
It takes just a little bit of time to make but it is very easy. To me, making homemade apple sauce just feels like “mama’s cooking”!
There are all different types of apples out there but you definitely want to get a sweet apple. Daddy Russ and Luke’s favorite are Gala apples. They are a bit smaller in terms of apples so it takes more to make larger batches. I also prefer to buy organic. Don’t forget to wash your apples.
Cinnamon is an optional ingredient but I think it makes the applesauce even more special.
Peel, core and chop the apples in to small cubes.
Place your cut apples in a pan with the 3/4 cup water and bring to a simmer. Once simmering cover the pan and let simmer for approximately 15 minutes until apples are soft. Stir every now and then.
Once the apples are soft either mash them by hand or pour them (including the excess water) in to a food processor. Mash or process the apples with your 1 tsp. of cinnamon until it is the consistency that you’d like.
I like to drizzle a little bit of greek organic yogurt on top of Luke’s applesauce. He thinks it’s yummy and I think it makes it look pretty.
Time to dig in, Luke!
Yummy in my tummy!
We might not have the whole spoon thing down yet. Wrong end, Luke!
I think he likes it! What do you think?
This is my sTORI being written as you read. – Love, Mommy Tori
Hey can you do a give away! jajajaja, looks awesome he likes it!!!
hahaha! An applesauce giveaway?! Too funny!
I just love watching him eat. He’s adorable! I want some yummies.
Thank you!!
I love homemade applesauce and apple butter I’m going to make yours tonight for my kids and see what they think of it.
Yea! How did it go? Hope they liked it! I’d love a recipe for apple butter!