The other day I did a survey on Instastories and asked my followers if they feel inspired on a daily basis. FIFTY-SIX percent said they did NOT. And you know what… that made me incredibly sad. While I don’t feel inspired all day, every day – I can say that I am blessed to feel inspired at least some part of every day. It got me thinking a couple things. First, do I inspire others? Second, how can I do a better job inspiring others? I hope that through my blog, my writing, sharing of my faith, among other actions that I might be able to inspire you. As I continue to strive further to be a better source of inspiration I thought it would be beneficial to share some tips on how to live an inspired life which assist me as well.

SIDE NOTE – HUGE thank you to the amazing Christi Minter for these gorgeous photos. I have to say… her photography, spirit and Christian heart inspires me on a daily basis! Be sure to check her out!

How To Live An Inspired Life

Before we jump in to those tips – what better a place to share with you on this post than Erin Condren’s new flagship store in Austin, Texas?! I recently had the opportunity of meeting Erin and have brunch with a variety of other amazing influencers. It is truly a world of inspiration. Erin Condren designs the most amazing LifePlanners, stationary, note cards and so much more to help you organize your life as well as your inspiration. I HIGHLY recommend trying out her LifePlanner. It’s fully customizable, will help you organize your calendar, ideas, grocery lists and tons more.

Shop Some Of My Favorite Erin Condren Products:


How To Live An Inspired Life

erin condren store

HOW TO LIVE AN INSPIRED LIFE #1: Find things and people that inspire you.

What inspires you? Is it reading a certain magazine, blog or your Bible? Perhaps, it’s something more active like exercising, getting outdoors or practicing yoga. Discover what those things are that inspire you and try to fill your life with them on a DAILY basis (or at least as much as possible). Don’t just read that magazine every now and then… engross yourself in it. Is there someone who specifically inspires you? Try to surround yourself with as many people as possible like that. Make a conscious decision to try and fill your life with as much that inspires you as possible.

erin condren austin

HOW TO LIVE AN INSPIRED LIFE #2: Eliminate things that DO NOT inspire you.

If you are trying to fill your life with things that inspire you then doesn’t it come to reason that you should ELIMINATE that which does not? Is there someone on social media who regularly posts negative commentary? Unfollow them. Is there someone in your life who doesn’t encourage you… step away from them. Does watching the news on TV cause you to feel disheartened? Stop watching it. you get the point.

There is one note I want to say though about people who might not encourage you. I challenge you to be a positive influence in THEIR life whether or not they are positive in yours. Perhaps, they might need a little encouragement and you can serve as an example to them and find that you inspired someone else.

erin condren store

HOW TO LIVE AN INSPIRED LIFE #3: Disconnect and write.

Writing is therapeutic for me. It can help me brainstorm ideas, express feelings as well as just give me an outlet for creativity. Take a break from social media and pick up a simple pen and paper. Start a gratitude journal (I’m a huge believer in living in gratitude). Create a bucket list or vision board. Write a list of goals for the year. The point here is… just write!

texas blogger tori johnson

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erin condren austin store

HOW TO LIVE AN INSPIRED LIFE #4: Join a group, take a class or go on a retreat.

There are tons of groups, retreats and events that can assist you in becoming inspired. Google or look on Facebook for groups in your industry or groups that discuss a topic that interests you. Conferences and events are hosted all over the country throughout the year. Find one that you’d like to attend and make a point to actually go. Finally, take a class. I’ve wanted to learn how to write calligraphy for FOREVER. So guess what… I took a class and have been enjoying practicing it on a regular basis. Above all – go be with like-minded people.

erin condren austin store

HOW TO LIVE AN INSPIRED LIFE #5: Find inspirational surroundings.

I certainly understand that not everyone can work in a place that inspires them. Frequently, I work at my kitchen counter so I can keep an eye on the kids and let me tell you…it’s probably the least inspirational place EVER. But on occasion I like to work outside on the deck in the sun or head to one of the local coffee shops that have killer vibes. I also have to say… I find myself inspired after church. I’m honestly one of those people that NEED to go to church. It makes me a better person from the inside out.


austin cocktails

floral arrangements

How To Live An Inspired Life

erin condren the domaine

erin condren the domaine

rainbow staircase

rainbow staircase

rainbow staircase

confetti balloon

Living an inspirational life doesn’t just happen. You have to INTENTIONALLY decide to try and become inspired. You can’t just wait for it to happen – be an inspiration seeker.

How do you find inspiration in your life? You never know if something you share might inspire another sTORIbook reader!

Shop Some Of My Favorite Erin Condren Products:

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P.S. HUGE thank you to the amazing Christi Minter for these gorgeous photos. I have to say… her photography, spirit and Christian heart inspires me on a daily basis! Be sure to check her out!


Photography Provided By:christiminter.com_logo

San Antonio Fashion Blogger

3 Responses

  1. Jackie Kirkindoll

    My craft room inspires me to create and it is my peaceful spot. I just need to intentionally find time every day to be there. 🙂

  2. Zulma

    I was just there for a planning meet up with Define and Flourish loves EC, and how inspirational! Loved the vibe. Your pictures are amazing!


      Thank you so much for stopping by and for the kind note!


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