A couple weeks ago I was pretty down in the dumps. I always call the blogging world a never-ending rat race. There is always newer, younger, prettier, skinnier, (insert whatever adjective here) bloggers coming out. I was feeling particularly “mom-ish,” uncool and old. Why am I even blogging? Is anyone even reading? Should I just move on since I feel like I’m just getting passed by? I began to berate myself with questions as I invited myself to a Pity Party for one.

I think that everyone probably comes to a point in their life where they feel like this. Perhaps, in whatever career you have. Or maybe even as a mom there is always that super cool mom that shows up at the school all put together with a perfect, organic, handmade lunch for her perfectly styled kid. While you are in workout clothes (with no intention of working out) and a bag of Chik-Fil-A in hand. Yep – that was me and I’d been pretty much living in the “athleisure trend.”

So I did what many girls would do…I called my sister. After dishing out my blah-ness to her she calmly asked… “Tori – have you ever thought that maybe I get jealous of YOU?” She went on to give me the good kick in the pants that I needed. She made me remember all of the opportunities, blessings and achievements that I’ve done. She reminded me that I should be proud of myself. And through all that she reminded me to be grateful. I’ll admit – at first I didn’t like hearing it. I felt even worse about myself but then that kick in the pants turned in to a new outlook.

While I might not be able to do everything that I wanted to with blogging or work I remembered that I have two boys who are worth every minute I spend with them. And you know what… I was doing a pretty good job being their mommy as well as trying to build my career. And I had a husband who could care less how successful I was and would love me through it all. And my house might be a mess but we had a lot of fun together making that mess! And I might not have makeup on or be dressed up but I was still up at the school ready to volunteer even if I only had an hour to give.

We are all doing the best that we can and I think we need to give ourselves a break. One day those young bloggers will be in the same position I am now – pulled in a million different directions, feeling passed up and left behind. And I hope that they receive that good kick in the pants that my sister gave me.

P.S. Love you MaeMae! Thanks for listening!



button up dress

open shoulder front tie dress

cold shoulder dress

flower shoes

getting passed by

brunch style

chic brunch style


Photography Provided By:

rememory photography

San Antonio Fashion Blogger

11 Responses

  1. Pam

    This post totally spoke to my soul. I felt like I was the one who wrote it because all of these thoughts have gone through my mind, at one point or another (athleisure is my only style at the moment, unfortunately lol). Your sister is right- you are immensely successful… and lady- you’re gorgeous! Don’t feel down. There’s ALWAYS gonna be someone prettier, skinnier and smarter- to YOU. But to the people who love you, YOU are already all of those things and more. Those are the people whose opinions matter. You’re a pretty tough lady- this slump will pass and you’ll be back to rockin’ it in no time! And yes, someone is reading…

    • tori@torijohnsonpr.com

      Your words mean so much to me and completely made me tear up! Thank you so much for giving this lady a pick-me-up!

  2. Tawana Timberlake

    You are the most put together, coolest mom I know. But you are human and just like all us have down days. But thank you for sharing this as I could never imagine you not being on top of the world. At what you think is your worst, looks like someone else’s best! LOL. Keep up your hard work beautiful!

    • tori@torijohnsonpr.com

      I think YOU are the coolest! Thank you so much, Tawana! I’m so glad to have gotten to know you a bit more this year. You are one special lady and I’m honored to call you friend!

  3. Dina Chavez

    I definitely feel the same way and I’m not a Mom. I read your blog, even though I am not a Mom, but it does inspire me becauseI see a woman working hard, doing everything she wants and doing it well. Here’s to the women accomplishing their goals. Keep at it!

    • tori@torijohnsonpr.com

      Oh Dina you are so very kind! Sometimes it’s just good to know that someone is relating to how you are feeling (particularly when it might not be one of the best times). It’s good to know we are not alone! Thank you so much for the support!

  4. jackie Kirkindoll

    Trust God’s plan for you! You are exactly where and who you are supposed to be! And your sister rocks in her own way too!! I’m a proud mom of two beautiful daughters!

    P.S. Love the cold shouldered bow dress!! You look gorgeous!! Always love you in blue!

  5. Caroline D.

    I could say so much about that little blurb you wrote. I could say I totally “feel” ya and I “second” that and “you read my mind”. But what I really love are those SHOES!! Girl!! 😳 I want those. And I am thankful for your encouragement. Your real. And I love it.

    • tori@torijohnsonpr.com

      You are so kind, Julie! Thank you for taking time to share some encouragement! It is greatly appreciated!


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