I was recently honored to participate in Alamo City Mom’s Blog’s, “Motherhood: More Than Skin Deep,” which examines the physical, emotional, and mental changes we undergo when we become mothers. It was an incredibly special day as I participated in it with both my mother and my sister (and was even more special to have a growing child in my belly).

When my friend asked me to be a part of this series and explained it to me I was immediately struck with how much I BELIEVED and wanted to SUPPORT this campaign. As I mention in my interview when asked why it was important to me….

This was a very important photo shoot for me, as I believe these photos assist in redefining the beauty of a woman’s body. As women, we are deeply self-conscious about our bodies, and unfortunately, we live in a culture of judgement. This provided us an opportunity to be proud of all of our stretch marks, wrinkles, lines, and other “imperfections.” I’m currently almost eight months pregnant with the last child I will ever carry inside my body, and my swollen belly awes me each and every day. To be able to capture it in such a beautiful capacity was a true honor.

To View Me Braving My Mom Body Photos and Interview Click Here


alamo city moms blog

To View Me Braving My Mom Body Photos and Interview Click Here

San Antonio Fashion Blogger

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