My little sensitive spirit. I could spend hours just listening and watching you. You are so full of enthusiasm and expression. Experiencing life to the fullest. I’m still figuring out this whole challenge of being a mom but no matter my faults you love me unconditionally.
Your imagination is running wild – I hope it continues to burst forth in to a jungle thick with vines of dreams. When scolded you are never offended long and are quick to request a hug in apology. When you think you’ve hurt someone’s feelings you are immediate in concern asking, “are you sad?”
You still say a prayer of thanks every night for your cars and are incredibly ticklish under your chin. And one book at bedtime is never enough. It must be five at minimum. I love you more than waking up in the morning and I hope not a day goes by when you don’t feel that love.
I’m so proud to call you mine. Mine forever.
This is my sTORI being written as you read. – Love, Mommy Tori
As a grandparent, I LOVE the pics with them!
It looks like he had a blast! That smile as he pretended to shoot the gun is precious.
What a precious time we had together!!
He is sooooooo cute!! Looks like he is having a blast!