My heart is broken as I sit here watching the inexplicable horror going on in Newtown, CT. I can’t stop tearing up. I can’t stop wrapping my little boy in my arms and telling him I love him over and over again. How can people do this?! How can you be so miserable that you decide to inflict such pain and take the lives of the most innocent and harmless people…children. I’ll never understand it. My heart and mind are filled with anger, confusion, sadness and pain. My questions are overwhelming. How many days do we have to wake up hearing on the news that there has been ANOTHER shooting? How do you make sense of something that is SENSELESS? How do we make this stop? Where are our children safe?
I refuse to believe that this is just “our society today” or “the new norm.” There is too much kindness and goodness around us. Teach your children to love by telling them and showing them EACH AND EVERY DAY. Teach them to know Jesus Christ so that they know they are never alone even in their deepest despair.
I join our nation in mourning today but I also join our nation in prayer.
This is my sTORI being written as you read. – Love, Mommy Tori
I agree with you whole heartedly! I find no way to comprehend the violence going on in this world now!
Give little Luke a hug for gmaj!
I certainly will, Grandma Joyce! Love you!